Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance

Accounting and finance involve much more than just computational skills. Both subjects teach you how to perceive and understand the nature of organizations. They also give you an understanding of how the market allocates finances to firms.

Who is it for?

This degree is for you if you:

wish to go on to take professional accountancy qualifications. You may be able to gain exemptions from several of the examinations of professional accountancy bodies (depending on the subjects taken). We advise you to contact the relevant bodies for advice.
• are professionally qualified in the accountancy field and would now like to take a degree.
• have not yet decided which profession to pursue and are interested in the fields of accounting and finance.

Graduates of this degree have gone on to work in areas of professional accountancy, investment banking, investment analysis and management, management consultancy and financial management, as well as to more advanced academic study.

Features of the degree
This degree provides a thorough grounding in accounting and finance, within a strong social science framework.

• The degree has an international flavour and was developed in consultation with academics and professionals throughout Southeast Asia, as well as the UK.

• The subject guides are written by internationally acknowledged leaders in both academic research and in professional accountancy and the financial markets.

• Students who are already qualified in the field of accounting may apply for an exemption from up to two units including 25 Principles of accounting.
Design by UME(Sihanouk Province Campus )