Schedule for Academic Year 2011-2012


Term III, ACADEMIC YEAR 2008-2009 (9 credits/session)
22 June - 11 September 2009 (weekdays)
           27 June - 13 September 2009 (weekends)

Term I, ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 (15 credits/session)
       19 October 2009 – 12 February 2010 (weekdays)
        24 October 2009 – 14 February 2010 (weekends)
Term II, ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 (15 credits/session) (Provisional)
       1 March – 25 June 2010 (weekdays)
        6 March – 27 June 2010 (weekends)
Term III, ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 (9 credits/session) (Provisional)        
        12 July – 1 October 2010 (weekdays)
        17 July – 3 October 2010 (weekends)
1. Undergraduate students who are starting at a University for the first time must do so in either term I or II.
2. Undergraduate students who have completed their Foundation Year can register for a maximum of five classes in any one session in the each of the first two terms of an academic year, and for up to three classes in one session in the third term. Students who want to attend more classes can enroll for up to a maximum of six courses (18 credits) each term, spread over two different sessions; however, they can do so only if they have an adequate GPA, and also have the prior agreement of either their College Coordinator or the Director of the Office of Student Academic Affairs.
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